Sunday, October 30, 2016

New Guitar & Intercambios - October 13, 2016

Hey you guys!!! This week has been awesome!!!! so let’s start off with moms questions!!! literally i feel great!!! I feel really in shape and really good about my health!! it was a one day thing and no mas!! number 2 we have Elder sandal he is such a cool guy we do intercambois and he is the zone leader!! He is going to die in one transfer which means he is literally already done with his mission!!! It’s super trunky talking to him but he is super cool and he always is looking how to talk to girls better it is pretty funny!! And now the exciting thing FLOR AND SANDRA ARE GETTING BAPTIZED THIS SATURDAY AT 7 OCLOCK!!!!!!! Then the Sunday after they’re getting confirmed and getting their recommends and then literally tuesday we’re all going to do baptisms for the dead!!!!! That is literally the coolest thing like ever we are so excited for them!!!! and lastly the question of if I will be transferred and most likely I have 2 more transfers in this area but si o si I am getting a new companion this transfer in 2 weeks so that is crazy!!!!!! I don’t have a ton to say this week but I am so excited to baptize sandra and flor! They are awesome and thanks for all of your prayers on my behalf!!!!!(:(: I love you guys so much and that picture of benny and celeste literally weirded the living crap out of me seeing my cousin with my girl friend haha what the heck!!! anyways I’ll talk to you guys soon!!! chao!!!
Elder Jones

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