Saturday, November 25, 2017

Getting Along with New Companion!

November 2017

Hello my family! Ihope you all are having a great week!! This last week was Halloween and for us that’s all. No one really celebrates it here. We have been working a lot in a little barrio called Los Olivos which is definitely a humble place! We are working with a bunch of people there trying more than anything to get them to church and its been quite tough! We go Sunday mornings and no one is ever awake or willing to go even though the whole week we hear "ya we’ll go.”

Elder Farrier is finally leaving me and its freaking sad for me): We have become quite good friends and I’ll miss him a freaking ton!! He is on his way to Universidad in La Rioja so that will be pretty fun for him literally dying in heat ha ha!! We’re excited for him to finally be leaving his first area after a long hard 6 months! And with me will be someone from MEXICO!  I have no idea who he is, but he’s from Mexico so I’m quite excited to have another mexican companion.  It will be a good time!!

Anyway not a lot to report this week lots of getting ready for Farrier to leave but we’ll have some sweet pictures this next week of me and the new comp!!

Elder Jones

November 28
Hey fam!! How are all of you guys doing? I hope that all of you are great! This week has been a really good week with lots of good changes!! So, this last little while it’s been a little disobedient on our part not doing everything we could, and one point of the week.  I felt like I had hit the wall with it and I was pretty scared to talk to Elder Sanchez.  Apparently he had fought with companions before and I hate fighting!! So we sat down and basically had a 3 hour bro talk and we fixed it all! Yesterday was freaking GREAT and we whooped it waking up on time, doing exercises, working in the morning, eating lunch and going straight back out until 10:30 with tons of success! I also had a lot of personal things to sort out this week about who I want to become and who I want to be and if my actions were leading to that person or no.  I’m a very imperfect person so there’s a lot of room to improve and I’m excited to do that. Yesterday was Monday and we had a really good day. In the morning we went and we talked to a girl named Crystal she was really nice. We taught her about the restoration, she accepted what we had to say and said that she would pray about all of it!! Let’s hope so ha ha!  After teaching her, we went and had lunch with Hermano Cadelago, and he is a very interesting person. To be 100 percent honest, he’s crazy and he’s our ward mission leader. Cool guy, but crazy! Elder Sanchez is great. He’s so funny and we have a really good time working together!! He’s from Mexico and he reminds me a lot of Arreola. He’s just an all around good guy!! So after lunch we came back and we studied for like an hour and then went back out to go and talk to some ladies who were sadly not home. We went and talked to some other investigators and did some contacting and it was awesome. We found a lot of people to teach and invited all of them to the noche de hogar today!! We’re hoping that a lot of people go this Saturday!! I hope that a ton go and that they bring all of their friends!! We need new investigators always. Anyways fam this week has been good and I hope that all of you have been having a fabulous week as well!! Love all you guys and have a great week!!

Elder Jones

Argentina Photos! October 2017

Los Olivos and Wrestling Tips! October 2017

October 3, 2017
HEY family how are all of you guys doing!! This week has been a rally good week!! We found a freaking ton of new people to teach and this week we are SOO determined to get all of them to church!! It’s gonna be good!! This week is homecoming week for the kids and for mom and dad too, so I don’t expect this to get read in all honesty. But hey that’s ok!! I love you guys so much, I really do. Have a fantastic week and always read pray and go to church!! Chau Chau!!
Elder Jones

October 24, 2017
      So this week has been pretty hectic, but it was still a fun hard working week!! We started it off in Rio Cuarto working with the zone leaders and we were there until Wednesday morning!! We got home and we started working in a new area called Barrio Los Olivos and it’s actually like a ghetto place in the rich area! It’s nice when people are humble right off the bat and we don’t have to become such friends with them and they just listen anyways.

     We worked in that barrio Thursday, Friday and Saturday and in the process there were a lot of contacts and a lot of lessons.  One of those being with a kid named Agustin. He is way cool and he is the first person that I have met that actually filled out the pamphlet questions, and he answered them all like really well.  It was awesome!! We went and we met his mom and taught them the restoration and they understood it SO WELL! They literally understood everything and promised us that they would read the Book of Mormon in a few parts that we left them!! We’re going back to them tomorrow night to see how they are doing!!  

   The area is growing for sure. When I got here the progress was a little bit slow for all the people, so we’ve been working on leaving commitments that are really serious. Like they NEED to do it! No longer are we inviting laid back, this is important and they need to feel that haha!! To all the kids I’m glad everyone is doing so good. Stino is still going hard with all of the ladies so that is pretty fun huh ha ha?? And Kaylee I’m glad you and Austin are getting along so well going to dances and just being the coolest kids ever!!  Aiden you are still killing it with the scootering and now I’m gonna give you some tips for wrestling ok?

Tips for Wrestling
·     No Drinking Soda
·     Run for at least 20 minutes every day
·     Every day look up a new move on youtube that’s simple enough to use in a match or in practice
·     Never be satisfied with how good are!!
·     Get angry when you wrestle and look for the mistakes of the other guy and use them to your advantage
·     Work harder then anyone else, when everyone gives up be happy to keep going!!!

But hey dude your gonna be freaking great.  I’m so excited for you. Work your butt off and practice with dad a TON. He’ll help you out and do lots of pull ups and eat good!!!! That’s my champion and when I get home we’ll practice a tonnnnn!!!!
Anyway family I hope everyone is good. I love you all a ton and Ill see you all soon!!!!(:(:
Elder Jones


Cristian's Baptism in a River! September 2017

Hey family!! How are all of you guys doing? This week my email is just the big things ha ha. So first off this Thursday we had a huge conference where I got to go and see everyone it was freaking awesome! Then after that on Saturday the coolest thing in the entire world happened!!! CRISTIAN GOT BAPTIZED IN A FREAKING RIVER! It was literally the coolest thing ever. Sunday we got to confirm him; it was one of the coolest experiences!! He felt the spirit really strong. Saturday they called us and told us the transfers, to tell us where we are all going.  It turns out that me and Elder Farrier are staying together so that’s freaking exciting!! We’re both really excited to freaking work our butts off.  It’s gonna be freaking awesome!! And Merlo was also baptized this week!! Speaking of Merlo, there’s a new elder coming into our district!! And that elder is ELDER ARREOLA! I’m so freaking excited to see him oh my gosh! I’m gonna see him again haha! I’m loving the mission a freaking ton and I’m really excited to work my butt off and I love it here, see you guys soon

Elder Jones!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Busses on Strike in Villa Dolores - September 12, 2017

September 5, 2017
This week has been a really busy week and this next week is gonna be just as bad!! So on Monday, well every Monday, we go and we dig up trees and trenches in our president’s house!! The elders haven’t had the best relationship with him in the past but we have his 100% confidence right now so it’s good! Wednesday we had our district meeting here in Villa Dolores, which was good! We talked about member missionary work and how we can really use the members when we try! We used Alma and Amulek how the difference was really made when Amulek gave him lunch!! Our numbers of excellence in the mission went from 10 new investigators a week to 20.  So I hope that really helps everyone! Speaking of investigators we have an AWESOME investigator named Christian.  We had a fast with him this Sunday to get him a testimony about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith so it was freaking awesome!! He is preparing to be baptized on the 23rd of September were gonna set this area on FIREEE!!! We’re so pumped haha!
Well not much more to talk about this week. I’m gonna head out see you guys later!!
Elder Jones

September 12, 2017
This week there isn’t a whole bunch to announce. We spent the whole week stuck away from our area because the busses went on strike so that stunk a lot! We were really worried about our investigator Christian, because we had recently done a fast with him to see if he should get baptized! So THE GREAT NEWS!! Christian had been investigating the church for 2 years and hope was almost lost with him! After the fast we show up to his house and our mission leader is there with him just hanging out with him, and we asked "what’s going on here"? Our leader said "hey we’re here celebrating Christian’s baptism." WHAT???? We were so confused like oh my gosh.  We talked to him about it and he wants to get baptized. He felt that it was right so he’s gonna have Elder Farrier baptize him and we’re so excited! So on the 23rd of this month on a Saturday we gonna be in whiteeeeee. Then THIS morning back in our area finally.  We went to talk to a lady named Soledad and she is a really nice lady! A very humble situation, she accepted to be baptized on the 23 so that was freaking exciting! The area is really getting going so yea!! Every week we started fasting one day and we have a lot of faith in it!  I’m sad because Elder Farrier is leaving in 2 weeks. I’m gonna MISS HIM SO MUCH! But ya anyways were gonna kill these last 2 weeks together so ahhhbooya!!!!! Anyway loving it here and I’ll be talking to you guys soon chauu
Elder Jones!!

Villa Dolores, Argentina - August 30, 2017

So starting on Monday we went to a place called Cura Brochero, which is a little city outside of Villa Dolores and it is totally beautiful!  We came here because our president of the branch (who is freaking awesome) invited us to do service and we didn’t know what we were going to do!! So we got there and holy freaking crap we spent 7 hours digging out huge trees by hand for the new house they are building!! So that was literally our entire day this Monday so that was pretty fun!! So Wednesday was a pretty crazy day in all honesty.  All day, we went out and tried to visit the people that we had planned and we were outside all day long. Like wow it was a long day, and we got nothing! It was a really big test of faith and it was really tough for both of us.  That night I had a really long talk with the guy upstairs asking for help because we needed it and well Thursday it worked!
So in this area and all the time before me, the elders in general didn’t go out and work in the morning because they never ever had any type of success in the morning.  Since I’ve gotten here, we’ve been going out every morning trusting in God that the blessings WILL come and they totally did! We went out at 10 and went and had 2 amazing lessons with 2 new investigators that we now have to teach! Their names are Maria who is 63 and she is really really nice and her husband and kids died a little while back so she is really looking for some direction in her life! We’re trying to help her with that.  Then we went to Soledad who is a lady that’s 25 and has a kid with adhd . She’s having a really tough time with him! Apparently at night the kid sees a man standing next to his bed and there’s a lot of weird stuff that happens in the house at night..... We’re gonna go and bless the house this week and really be careful when we go and teach her. Then that night we went and visited some more investigators which was obviously pretty fun!!! Friday, we found that snake so we’re pretty freaking worried about that. We’re gonna visit her on Thursday so lets hope that all goes good haha!! Saturday was the night the girl asked me if we wanted to have a relationship..... that was one of the most uncomfortable things ever like what the heck.. but hey I told her no, so we’re gonna be okay! On Sunday the girl keeps texting us and trying to ask how we’re doing.  She doesn’t realize that we don’t really do that a whole lot. Only members really understand that to its fullness, so she kept asking me what I was doing, how I was doing and lots of other interesting things without any response! Church was great. We had conference and I was really happy to be in conference, and then after we ward council.
So we went to presidents house on Sunday night and stayed the night in his hotel and in the morning we got up and worked pulling out trees and working our freaking butts off like oh my gosh you have no idea!

Love, Elder Jones!!(:

Here's a pic of me at 4 in the morning after being on the bus all night for transfers. No one wakes up here til 5 and there is nowhere to sleep. Only one more bus ride for 4 hours.